About Us

About Us


QUIMIAL – Química del Alumínio is a Portuguese chemicals company with know-how dating back several decades.

Our main concern is the satisfaction of our customers, meeting the demands of the market. To this end, we have developed systems with high quality standards, which are safe and comply with labour and environmental safety regulations, at the lowest possible global cost, in order to provide solutions to the needs of Hygiene and Chemical Technology in the institutional and industrial market.


We supply all our customers with products of the highest quality through our high-tech manufacturing processes, adopting ethical, environmental and occupational safety values in all our businesses, which guide responsible and sustainable business conduct.

We are certified by the NP EN ISO 9001:2015 standard, complying with its requirements for our scope of services provided. In the long term, we intend to implement other normative references that allow our continuous organizational improvement.


We present global and customised solutions, making our customers’ needs our own.

Values such as flexibility, specialisation, customisation, efficiency and innovation have become fundamental concepts and strong points in the management of QUIMIAL.

Our partners

Experience increases when it is shared.

In this way, we are associated with partners of excellence that allow us to continually develop new
technologies, thus placing us in the market in a privileged position in relation to the needs of our customers.